Storytelling Workshops for Youth at the Belfast Free Library – January 28 event canceled

Abbott Room

Led by Librarian and Storyteller Stephanie Holman Storytelling: Learn to tell a story without use of notes. These mini-workshops will celebrate this spoken word art form. No pressure to perform in front of an audience, but participants will have the option in the Spring. *Sample stories for use will be available. *Program will involve solo […]

STEAM Team ~ Exploration of Watersheds

Abbott Room

The Shaw Institute has been conducting coastal monitoring for over 15 years, testing popular beach sites around the Blue Hill Peninsula for harmful algal blooms, fecal bacteria, and other sources of pollution.  By analyzing water samples and creating phytoplankton, participants will learn how pollution and nutrient runoff impact them and discover how they can create […]

Event Series LEGO Club


Abbott Room

Love LEGOs?  Come join the club!  The library provides LEGOs.  Build what you like or take the Library Challenge.  Near the conclusion of the program, you can describe your build or leave it to our imagination.  All are welcome!!