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Belfast Poetry Festival workshop: “Literary Litanies” with Doug Woodsum
October 19, 2024 @ 11:30 am - 1:00 pm
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LITERARY LITANIES a workshop with Doug Woodsum
Poets have been writing litanies forever. Some people call them catalog poems. Anaphora is repetition of words or phrases in a group of poetic lines. The class begins with a brief discussion of classic litanies, then moves into brief warm-up writing exercises. Participants will craft a draft (or two) of their own litanies to share.
Free and open to all.
Douglas “Woody” Woodsum has taught at two universities and five public schools. He has published poetry in Yankee, Maine Times, The Café Review, Prairie Schooner, Antioch Review, English Journal, Off The Coast, Southern Review, Denver Quarterly, Exquisite Corpse, Massachusetts Review, Michigan Quarterly Review, Puckerbrush Review, New England Review and The Beloit Poetry Journal. His work is on-line at Poetry Daily and the educational website, www.fishousepoems.org. In 1995, he changed his focus from his own writing to teach English, first in rural Maine, then in extremely rural Maine. With his students, he has published twelve annual anthologies of oral history, folklore, and creative writing. His book The Lawns of Lobstermen is available from Moon Pie Press.