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All of Belfast: Climate Dialogues


ABCD began in 2020 as a grant-funded project to facilitate conversations among a broad cross-section of the Belfast community about climate change. ABCD became a presence in the community, establishing the Library as a source for information and a gathering place for conversation about the climate crisis and community response.

From 2020-2023, ABCD held over 40 educational programs & community conversations engaging well over 1,600 people. The Library will continue to offer educational programming on topics around the climate crisis, and will continue supporting citizens to take action.

View a summary of the project from our final ABCD presentation & celebration on August 29, 2023.

View the entire ABCD Collection

Local Action on the Climate Crisis

Local Citizens Taking Climate Action

Sustainable Communities Day June 1st with Belfast Bay Watershed & Pen Bay Stewards

St. Margaret's of Belfast successfully raised funds to install 3 downtown public water fountains for people and pets, reducing single-use plastic water bottles. Installation is happening shortly! 

City of Belfast's Work on Climate Solutions

Project Partners Working on Climate Change

Many ABCD project partners have helped amplify the conversation - and are taking action! - on climate change.

Resources on Climate Change

Maine Climate Action Resources

Maine climate action resources including Maine Won't Wait (our 4-year climate action plan), and many other organizations & resources for Mainers.

Talking About Climate Change

Why talking about climate change is one of the most important things you can do...and how to find hope in dealing with the climate crisis

Climate Change Basics

ABCD Collection


From community climate conversations that informed Belfast’s Climate Action Plan, to citizens’ reflections on climate change, to the creative expressions of art, poetry, photography, music, film and storytelling, to locals' experiences of extreme weather events and flooding, the ABCD Collection is an important archive for the future and a place to learn about our shared experiences now. All of ABCD's educational programming is also available for viewing.

Local Voices on the Climate Crisis

Health Concerns of Belfast Area Residents

Farms, Gardens & Forests

bumble bee on bee balm flower

Where Are All the Bees? citizen story, July 2021

See all Farms & Gardens and Forests

You can make an impact as we address the climate emergency, together as a community

Katharine Hayhoe instagram post on how to make a difference with climate change
Dr. Katharine Hayhoe's suggestions for making a difference if you're worried about climate change

There are things each of us can work on today - from taking small personal action to working towards big systemic change. We all matter. Together, we can - and are - making a difference. And nothing feels as hopeful as taking action with others against climate change.

  • Start a conversation about why climate change matters and what we can do
  • Join a climate action group
  • Consider where you keep your money
  • Spark ideas for change and work & school
  • Hold politicians accountable
  • Reduce your personal footprint AND make your actions contagious by talking about them.

All of Belfast: Climate Dialogues began in 2020 as a grant-funded project to facilitate conversations among a broad cross-section of the Belfast community about climate change. The ABCD project became a presence in the community, establishing the Library as a source for information and a gathering place for conversation about the climate crisis and community response. From 2020-2023, ABCD held over 40 educational programs & community conversations engaging over 1,600 people. The Library will continue to offer educational programming on topics around the climate crisis; and will continue supporting citizens to take action. This project of the Belfast Free Library was made possible by a grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS grant number: APP-246100-OLS-20). Contact: [email protected].