Zumba for Teens and Adults

Abbott Room

This will be our last Summer Reading Program for Teens!  Come and celebrate movement with Donna Wentworth, certified Zumba instructor!  Wear clothing you can exercise in!!!! Location:  Abbott Room

Genealogy group meeting: Finding Female Ancestors

Abbott Room

Join the the Wawenoc Chapter of the Maine Genealogical Society and the Belfast Free Library for a presentation from B.J. Jamieson, Genealogy Reference Specialist at the Maine State Library, all about finding female ancestors! Sometimes listed in records without a maiden name, female ancestors can be especially tricky to trace. Come learn some tips and […]

Event Series Knit2Together


Abbott Room

Knitters, crocheters, yarn enthusiasts of all experience levels are welcome to join us every Wednesday , from 4:00-5:30 pm in the Abbott Room. This drop-in event is a chance for knitters- and crocheters too- of all ages and experience levels to chat, get tips, and learn from each other while working on their own projects. […]

Event Series Knit2Together


Abbott Room

Knitters, crocheters, yarn enthusiasts of all experience levels are welcome to join us every Wednesday , from 4:00-5:30 pm in the Abbott Room. This drop-in event is a chance for knitters- and crocheters too- of all ages and experience levels to chat, get tips, and learn from each other while working on their own projects. […]

Event Series Knit2Together


Abbott Room

Knitters, crocheters, yarn enthusiasts of all experience levels are welcome to join us every Wednesday , from 4:00-5:30 pm in the Abbott Room. This drop-in event is a chance for knitters- and crocheters too- of all ages and experience levels to chat, get tips, and learn from each other while working on their own projects. […]

Event Series Knit2Together


Abbott Room

Knitters, crocheters, yarn enthusiasts of all experience levels are welcome to join us every Wednesday , from 4:00-5:30 pm in the Abbott Room. This drop-in event is a chance for knitters- and crocheters too- of all ages and experience levels to chat, get tips, and learn from each other while working on their own projects. […]