Allagash Tails with Tim Caverly

Abbott Room

“The Allagash-a Wild and Scenic River" Narrated by Maine author and former ranger supervisor Tim Caverly the show includes music as well as scenic and historic photographs from Maine’s north woods. During the presentation, Tim will discusses how the Allagash became the first state administrated ‘wild and scenic’ so designated by the National Park Service, […]

Celebrating Coyote in Story and Song

Abbott Room

Come join us as our guest authors share their own personal stories that inspired them to write:Coyote Moon by Maria Gianferrari, a children’s picture book and I Am Coyote by Geri Vistein, a real coyote journey for ages 10 to 110. The authors will then take turns reading excerpts from their books, and you may […]

Maine Writers Talk About…

Abbott Room

Award winning author Monica Wood will be here discussing her new critically acclaimed novel, The One-in-a- Million Boy.

Book Discussion

Abbott Room

Spoonhandle by Ruth Moore

Maine Writers Talk About…

Abbott Room

Jim Haskell Author of Two Tents: Twenty-one Years of Discovery on the Appalachian Trail, will give a slide talk about his account of hiking the AT over two decades.  

Friday Night Flix

Abbott Room

From Here to Eternity (Black &White, 1953) The setting: Oahu, Hawaii, 1941 - just months before the bombing of Pearl Harbor… A career soldier transfers to this tropical paradise where his life becomes a living hell because he refuses to box for his regiment. Meanwhile, the captain’s wife has begun a love affair with the […]

Labyrinth Walk

Abbott Room

Experience Belfast's new labyrinth! Rev. Dr. Duncan Newcomer will give a talk on "How to have a Spiritual Vision on a Labyrinth Walk"

Friday Night Flix

King Kong (The Original) (Black and White, 1933) Does it get any better than this? The original King Kong on a large screen… You know the story. A movie crew goes to an exotic island – and gets a little more than they bargained for. King Kong is somehow brought back to NYC, where he […]

Your Next Career Move, Tools to Get Started

Abbott Room

Ready for a career change but don’t know where to begin? This workshop will help point you in the right direction. We will cover what to consider when making a career choice, the steps involved in creating a career plan, and the resources available to help you succeed. At the end of this workshop, you […]