Book Discussion: The Power of Trees by Peter Wohlleben

Abbott Room

This is the second discussion in the series, offered in conjunction with this year's Season of Creation Theme, Listening to Trees: Witnesses and Prophets. In his beloved book “The Hidden Life of Trees”, German forester and author, Peter Wohlleben revealed astonishing discoveries about the social networks of trees and how they communicate. Now, in “The […]

Resilient Garden Design with Irene Barber

Virtual Program on Zoom

This program is the second in the Belfast Garden Club Evening Lecture Series co-sponsored by the Belfast Free Library. The program is offered on Zoom. Register for the Zoom link here.  Recently, dramatic, unpredictable seasons have been teaching us that we can’t keep using the same practices from 10 or 20 years ago and expect […]

Solar 101 with ReVision Energy

Abbott Room

Want to learn more about clean solar energy but don't know where to start? Join ReVision Energy's Solar Design Specialist for an overview of all things solar! We'll discuss how grid-tied solar works, the all-electric household model (including heat pumps, EV charging, and Battery Storage), and explain how we design and price systems. The cost […]

Solar Energy: Retrofitting and New Construction with ReVision Energy

Abbott Room

Whether you have an existing home or are drawing up plans to build your dream home; learn from ReVision Energy’s Solar Design Specialist, Will Field, about how to prep yourself for solar and the all-electric household model. Modern technology makes it cost-effective and sensible to build a 100% solar-powered home, with no utility bills and […]

Solar Workshop Series with ReVision Energy- Solar + Storage

Abbott Room

“Join ReVision Energy’s Brandon Mazur, for a discussion about how people are making the cost-effective switch to solar combined with battery storage for backup power. Learn how you can combine solar power with reliable battery storage to make your home resilient in the face of unknown health and environmental threats. When paired with modern, robust battery technology, […]

Belfast Garden Club Presentation: Controlling Stormwater Runoff with Fred Bowers

Abbott Room +1 more

Storm runoff can stoke soil erosion and damage plants. Luckily there are man-made solutions to erosion, which rely on fundamental natural soil processes. We’ll learn how to design rain gardens with consideration to natural soil and geologic processes, and about a possible demo rain garden for Belfast. Plus: other “green” options, such as eliminating impervious surfaces […]

Belfast Bay Watershed Coalition: Planet vs Plastics (part 1)

Abbott Room

Earth Day is Monday, April 22. Earth Day reminds us to think about our beautiful environment and all that we can and should do to preserve it. This is especially important this year when we have had continual reminders of how fragile life on this earth is and how human behavior has affected it. This […]

Earth Day Film Presentation: A Plastic Ocean

Abbott Room

Part 2 of  Planet vs. Plastics programming co-sponsored by the Belfast Bay Watershed Coalition. A Plastic Ocean is an award-winning feature length documentary brought to you by a group of dedicated scientists, film-makers, social entrepreneurs, scholars, environmentalists and journalists, that explores the fragile state of our oceans and uncovers alarming truths about the consequences of […]

Community Solar 101- with ReVision Energy-

Abbott Room

“Shaded roof? Renting? No worries! ReVision Energy’s Solar Farm expert, Kevin Boyan, will share how you can access the benefits of going solar by joining a local Community Solar Farm (CSF). Join us for a presentation and Q+A to learn how you can get your electricity from a local solar farm while lowering your monthly electricity cost and […]

Reporting on Resilience and Solutions in Maine’s Changing Climate a panel discussion with reporters from the Maine Monitor

Abbott Room

The doom and gloom of climate change coverage can distract from the important work that’s already being done. Hear from reporters with The Maine Monitor, Maine’s only state-wide investigative nonprofit news outlet, about how The Maine Monitor covers the work Maine communities are doing to prepare for sea level rise and climate change-intensified natural disasters. Editor […]