~Stories shared through books, puppets, felt, songs and an easy craft. Fridays, 10:00-11:00am June 14 (in Abbott Room) and 21 July 19 and 26 August 23 and 30 Northport Avenue in Belfast, on the grass next to bridge to playground. Bring a blanket and chairs as needed. Rain location: Abbott room, Belfast Free Library 106 […]
The next book sale will be on Saturday October 5th. Book donations will be accepted at the sale: up to 12 good quality books per person. We would like current fiction, cooking, gardening, and children’s books. We can not accept old and out of date books.
Songs, rhymes, scarves, parachute play, bubbles, toys and connections! Time: Mondays, 10:00-10:45 am Dates: September 23 and 30 October 21 and 28 November 18 and 25 Location: Abbott Room of the Belfast Free Library
Songs, rhymes, scarves, parachute play, bubbles, toys and connections! Time: Mondays, 10:00-10:45 am Dates: September 23 and 30 October 21 and 28 November 18 and 25 Location: Abbott Room of the Belfast Free Library
Stop by and pick up a book or two! We have puzzles and DVDs for sale also. Book donations will be accepted at the sale: up to 12 good quality books per person. We would like current fiction, cooking, gardening, and children’s books. We can not accept old and out of date books.