The Wheelbarrow Poets meets weekly on Tuesdays in the Abbott Room from 9:30-11:00 a.m. Writing prompts are sent in advance of the gatherings by Belfast Poet Laureate Maya Stein, and participants share work and discuss. Open to writers ages 18 & up. Email [email protected] for more information and to register.
The Wheelbarrow Poets meets weekly on Tuesdays in the Abbott Room from 9:30-11:00 a.m. Writing prompts are sent in advance of the gatherings by Belfast Poet Laureate Maya Stein, and participants share work and discuss. Open to writers ages 18 & up. Email [email protected] for more information and to register.
Writing Ekphrastic Poetry with Judy Kaber, former Belfast poet laureate, using art from Sheep Jones’ exhibit in the Kramer Gallery. ABOUT THE WORKSHOP: We will explore ekphrastic poetry which is poetry written in response to another art form with a particular emphasis on color. We will discuss different approaches to entering a work of art […]
The Wheelbarrow Poets meets weekly on Tuesdays in the Abbott Room from 9:30-11:00 a.m. Writing prompts are sent in advance of the gatherings by Belfast Poet Laureate Maya Stein, and participants share work and discuss. Open to writers ages 18 & up. Email [email protected] for more information and to register.
WRITING OUR OWN NARRATIVES: A panel on transgender ecology, ancestry, and legacy - with t love smith and guests A Belfast Poetry Festival Event What is the legacy of transgender history? Where can we find authentic representation and how can we authentically represent ourselves? This panel opens a space for transgender and non-binary poets to […]
LITERARY LITANIES a workshop with Doug Woodsum Poets have been writing litanies forever. Some people call them catalog poems. Anaphora is repetition of words or phrases in a group of poetic lines. The class begins with a brief discussion of classic litanies, then moves into brief warm-up writing exercises. Participants will craft a draft (or […]
We are thrilled to welcome for the first time to the Belfast Poetry Festival SONGS FROM HERE, a Maine-based initiative dedicated to the commission of new vocal works by composers born or based in Maine. The program, featuring Sarah Tuttle, pianist Bridget Convey, and guest poets, will include original compositions with poetry readings interspersed between […]
The Wheelbarrow Poets meets weekly on Tuesdays in the Abbott Room from 9:30-11:00 a.m. Writing prompts are sent in advance of the gatherings by Belfast Poet Laureate Maya Stein, and participants share work and discuss. Open to writers ages 18 & up. Email [email protected] for more information and to register.
The Wheelbarrow Poets meets weekly on Tuesdays in the Abbott Room from 9:30-11:00 a.m. Writing prompts are sent in advance of the gatherings by Belfast Poet Laureate Maya Stein, and participants share work and discuss. Open to writers ages 18 & up. Email [email protected] for more information and to register.