Friday Youth Chess Club
Friday Chess Club at Belfast Free Library 2021.docx
Youth Chess Club
Abbott RoomBaby and Toddler Storytime
Abbott RoomTeen Take & Make: Grass Head Planter
Children's FloorPick up supplies for a grass head planter on the children's floor! All materials included to decorate a planter with a cute face, and grow cat grass (safe for your cats and dogs to eat). While supplies last.
Children’s Take & Make: Paper Animal Craft Kit
Children's FloorPick up supplies to make a paper animal on the children's floor. Option to pick a tissue paper, paper bag, paper plate, or card tube animal. While supplies last.
Living With Thin Ice: Past Perspectives on Climate Change in Belfast, Maine with Emma C. Moesswilde
Virtual Program on ZoomHow did Mainers experience climate change in the past? What might this history tell us about the present and future in light of the current climate crisis? This talk recounts the history of climate change and its impacts on Maine’s people and landscapes. Using the example of Belfast and mid-coast Maine, Moesswilde will highlight how […]
Abbott RoomContact [email protected] to sign up to to join the knitting group. Knitters, crocheters, yarn enthusiasts of all experience levels are welcome to join us every Wednesday , from 3:30-5:00 pm in the Abbott Room. This drop-in event is a chance for knitters- and crocheters too- of all ages and experience levels to chat, get […]
Friday Youth Chess Club
Friday Chess Club at Belfast Free Library 2021.docx