Gallery Talk & Reception- Rita Swidrowski

Abbott Room

Locally Grown: Illustrations & Reflections from the Sketch Journals of Rita Swidrowski Locally Grown, an exhibit of watercolor and ink illustrations with text by Rita Swidrowski, will be on display in the Kramer Gallery of the Belfast Free Library September 7th through October 7th. At the gallery talk and reception on September 29th, Rita will share […]

Friends of Sears Island Program

Abbott Room

Friends of Sears Island will hold a free public meeting on Wednesday, October 12, from 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m., in the Abbott Room at Belfast Free Library, to give an update on the status of the proposal to develop a “wind port” in Searsport. Large floating wind turbines would be constructed and launched from […]