Growing Food and Ornamentals in a Changing Climate with Haley Jean and Sara Keleman
Virtual Program on ZoomThis program is the second in the Belfast Garden Club's Evening Lecture Series co-sponsored by the All of Belfast Climate Dialogues, a project of the Belfast Free Library: This presentation will give an overview of global climate change, with special attention to effects in Maine and the Northeast. Haley and Sara will discuss the local […]
Abbott RoomContact [email protected] to sign up to to join the knitting group. Knitters, crocheters, yarn enthusiasts of all experience levels are welcome to join us every Wednesday , from 3:30-5:00 pm on Zoom. This drop-in event is a chance for knitters- and crocheters too- of all ages and experience levels to chat, get tips, and […]
Friday Youth Chess Club
Friday Chess Club at Belfast Free Library 2021.docx
Friends of the Library Book Sale
The Friends will have a book sale in lobby/gallery of the library. Donations of up to 10 books will be accepted.
Abbott RoomContact [email protected] to sign up to to join the knitting group. Knitters, crocheters, yarn enthusiasts of all experience levels are welcome to join us every Wednesday , from 3:30-5:00 pm on Zoom. This drop-in event is a chance for knitters- and crocheters too- of all ages and experience levels to chat, get tips, and […]
Abbott RoomContact [email protected] to sign up to to join the knitting group. Knitters, crocheters, yarn enthusiasts of all experience levels are welcome to join us every Wednesday , from 4:00-5:30 pm in the Abbott Room. This drop-in event is a chance for knitters- and crocheters too- of all ages and experience levels to chat, get […]
Friday Youth Chess Club
Friday Chess Club at Belfast Free Library 2021.docx