Steam Team Explorers~ Marine Touch Tank: A Traveling Ocean Petting Zoo
Abbott RoomSee and touch Maine’s ocean life up-close-and-personal when University of Maine’s Center for Cooperative Aquaculture Research brings their traveling touch tank to the library. Free event for ages 8-12. Space […]
Preschool Storytimes
Abbott RoomContent is prepared for ages 3-6 with read alouds, felt and flannel stories, puppets, songs, fingerplay and action rhymes. Concludes with a short book-based film and an easy craft.
Wiggle and Rhyme
Abbott RoomContent is prepared for birth through age 2. First 20 minutes are rhymes, songs and literacy followed by play time and bubbles for social time.
Music Together
Abbott RoomA music & movement class for ages 0-5 and their grownups FREE
Origami Workshop For Teens
Abbott RoomTeens 11-17, and fun adults are invited to a lovely afternoon of origami! We will learn how to make an origami octahedron! You will literally be taking one home with […]
Abbott RoomLove LEGO blocks? Join the club. The library provides boxes of LEGO. Build what you like or take the Library Challenge. You can describe your build or leave it to […]
Wiggle and Rhyme
Abbott RoomContent is prepared for birth through age 2. First 20 minutes are rhymes, songs and literacy followed by play time and bubbles for social time.
Valentine Card Making Celebration
Abbott RoomCome and celebrate the holiday of "love", at the library! Children, teens and adults are welcome to drop in the Abbott Room on February 13th, from 3:30 to 5:00, and […]
Preschool Storytimes
Abbott RoomContent is prepared for ages 3-6 with read alouds, felt and flannel stories, puppets, songs, fingerplay and action rhymes. Concludes with a short book-based film and an easy craft.
Preschool Storytimes
Abbott RoomContent is prepared for ages 3-6 with read alouds, felt and flannel stories, puppets, songs, fingerplay and action rhymes. Concludes with a short book-based film and an easy craft.