Out Going Belfast Poet Laureate Judy Kaber: The Last Hurrah (Not Really)
Abbott RoomPlease join Judy Kaber on Thursday, March 30th, at 6:30 pm to help celebrate the end of her reign as poet laureate of Belfast. Though she is ceding her title, she will […]
Music Together – Early Childhood
Abbott RoomProvided by the library and led by excellent teacher Alyssa, this is fun for the family.
The Friends of the Library Book Sale
Library LobbyBook donations will be accepted at the sale, up to 12 good quality books per person. The Friends are looking for current fiction, cooking, gardening and children’s books.
“Take and Make” for Children
The craft kits are available starting Tuesday, April 11 while supplies last.
Abbott RoomLEGO Club is for all, turns solo fun into group fun time.
Library Skills for Homeschool Families
Abbott RoomThis program will help all students learn library skills in a fun program. The knowledge conveyed in the class will help complete homeschool curriculums and it will benefit all as […]
Storytime at the Belfast Free Library
Abbott RoomJoin us, all are welcome. Story content is aimed at ages 2-6 but resonate with all ages.