Ocean Xplorers STEAM- Flippers, Fun, and Fur

Abbott Room

~Join Maine 4-H and UMaine students to explore how scientists study marine mammals! Participants will explore research methods such as DNA extractions, fecal sampling, and sound studies used by marine […]

2024 Youth Poetry Contest Reception and Reading

Abbott Room

Date of Reception and Reading:  April 30th Time of Reception and Reading:  3:30pm to 4:30 pm Location of Reading and Reception:  Abbott Room To celebrate National Poetry Month and the […]

Free Mending Workshop with Rambling Repair

Abbott Room

For centuries, and all across thee globe, people have been picking up a needle and thread to "make do and mend" and fix what is fixable.  Simply using a needle […]

Storytelling Through Fabric for Teens with Jane McLean

Conference Room

View a tabletop display of select panels from the “circles of my life: a fiber art celebration“ Exhibit. Learn the process of telling a personal story using fabric pieces in a traditional […]

Wire Sculpture for Teens

Abbott Room

Belfast Summer Reading Presents ~ Wire Sculpture for Teens Belfast Summer Reading invites you to make a wire sculpture! We will be playing with minimalist wire sculpture techniques, but anything […]