Lest We Forget: Belfast’s Civil War Veterans

Abbott Room

Civil War Authors Diane Monroe Smith and Ned Smith will share the results of their research into the lives of the Civil War Veterans from Belfast, Maine and put these […]


Abbott Room


Friends of the Library Book Sale

Library Lobby

Book donations will be accepted at the sale, up to 12 good quality books per person. The Friends are looking for current fiction, cooking, gardening and children’s books.

Hospice Volunteers of Waldo County Remembrance Ceremony

Abbott Room

Grieving Through the Holidays: Whatever grief you carry, old or new, we stand with you and extend our friendship in honor of your sorrow. More information at: https://hospicevolunteersofwaldocounty.org/Programs.htm

Community Climate Conversation: Modernizing Our Buildings

Thursday, December 8th the public is invited to a community climate conversation about modernizing Belfast’s buildings for energy efficiency and cost savings and to help us reduce greenhouse gasses. The conversation […]