
Genealogical Resources

Our collection of reference and archival materials deals primarily with the history of Belfast and Waldo County. Patrons also have access to the following online databases:

The Belfast Free Library is now a FamilySearch affiliate library! FamilySearch affiliate libraries have privileges to limited-access FamilySearch databases. While inside the library (either connected to the library's WiFi or using one of the desktop computers), patrons are able to login using their personal free FamilySearch account and view all the records available to an affiliate library at

Below are a few other genealogical web links that may be helpful.


Wawenoc Chapter of the Maine Genealogical Society

This group meets monthly in the library on the third Wednesday at 2:00 p.m. For more information, contact Sharon Pietryka at [email protected].

For details about upcoming meetings, see our Calendar of Events.

For recordings of past meetings and presentations, see the playlist on our YouTube channel.